I decided to take the survey suggested inside "52 Small Changes..." - which I am going to refer to as 52SC from here on. (frankly the title is just too long to type over and over)
Here are a few thoughts I jotted down as I answered the questions posed about my current habits:
"A lot of these questions end in "when I can remember". I'm envisioning a horde of people that are barely making it through their everyday activities. How will they ever remember to follow the steps in this book?"
"Coffee doesn't count as breakfast? What if you use flavored creamer?"
"Um, yeah, I must be the unhealthiest person on earth."
"Entire section on organic products - i feel a sales pitch coming on..."
"How many questions does it take for the survey to put me into the lazy piece of slop category?"
"OMG the page crashed. I'm going to have to fill that out again?!?!?"
"OMG its back. Awesome."
"Question - How often do you feel anxiety? Answer - Every time I take a wellness survey."
Survey complete and (big surprise) every aspect of my life "could use some attention". Their words, not mine. The good news is that 52SC can address all these issues - LOL. It is at this point that I actually pay attention to the fact that this site is run by the author of 52SC. Walked right into that one.
All kidding aside, this was actually a good exercise. The results were fairly generic unfortunately. But the questions were thought provoking about how I really do run my life. Hits just the right tone between shameful and alarming. Pretty motivating stuff when facing a lifestyle change - as I intend year this to be.
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